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Donate to Youth in Mission:
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Youth in Mission c/o Archdiocese of Atlanta
Mailing Address:
Office of Mission Advancement/YiM
2401 Lake Park Drive SE
Smyrna GA 30080
(Select Youth in Mission
as Your Ministry)
Thanks to our Donors and Corporate Sponsors:
Arnolds - Arzbach - Batiste (in memory of Lionel Batiste, Jr.) - Beamers - Bivianos - Brown - Bryants - Burkes - Butlers - Chipatecuas - Colcombes - Coxes - Crumps - Dickinson - Doolings - Fox - Garcias - Hams - Hester - Hibbards - Ikhwans - Jacksons - Jehles - Johnsons - Jones - Laniers - Lorenzen - Malones - McPartlans - Medinas - Mullaney - Murphys - Nallys - Paulsen - Phillips - Polzin - Rainwaters - Rich - Roginsky - Samahas - Scruggs - Sheas - Smith - Warrens - Young
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